official website of the chamber choir

Yaroslavl Chamber Choir


Official website
chamber choir "GLAS"

Chamber Choir "GLAS" it was formed in October 1989 from a small circle of fans of academic singing.
Choir "GLAS" — one of the best choral groups, actively promoting Russian choral spiritual music, widely known not only in Yaroslavl, but also far beyond its borders.

The basis of the "GLAS" chamber choir was composed of music teachers, music school teachers, choirmasters of children's choirs. Most of them are graduates of the Yaroslavl Music College named after Sobinov.

In 1991, the GLAS Chamber Choir successfully performed at choral festivals in St. Petersburg and Novgorod, and in 1996 took part in a prestigious International competition in Athens (Greece), where he won the title of Laureate and a bronze medal.

Twice, in 1999 and 2000, the choir participated in the International Festival of Diaconal and Church Singing Art in Moscow and was highly appreciated by the metropolitan press.

Chamber Choir 'GLAS' Chamber Choir 'GLAS'
Chamber Choir 'GLAS'

— this is the statement of the listener after the performance of the "GLAS" chamber Choir in the
Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

Valery Trishin

Valery Trishin

artistic director
and the chief conductor of the choir

The creator and director of the chamber choir is Valery Trishin, a professional choral conductor, a graduate of the Gorky (currently Nizhny Novgorod) State Conservatory named after M.I.Glinka.

Thanks to his talent, professionalism and creative enthusiasm, the "GLAS" Chamber Choir has reached a high performing level and has won the recognition of fans of sacred music in many cities of Russia and abroad.

"... Without ancient Russian sacred music, without connection with our common roots, there can be no modern culture.
Working on choral scores by Russian composers, we are trying to combine the spiritual heritage of the past with the present..."

Spiritual music

Spiritual music by composers Bortnyansky, Berezovsky, Degtyarev, Arkhangelsky, Rachmaninov, Chesnokov, Kalinnikov, Grechaninov, Shvedov formed the main choral repertoire of the chamber choir.
An important place in the creative baggage of the collective was occupied by works of choral classics of Russian sacred music of the XIX-XX century.
Arensky, Glinka, Gavrilin, Kalistratov, Kui, Rachmaninov, Sidelnikov, Smirnov, Falik, Tchaikovsky — this is not a complete list of composers who composed Russian sacred music, whose work was presented in the concerts of "GLAS".

An extensive layer of the repertoire is folk songs that have found a new life in the treatments of outstanding musicians of the twentieth century: Shostakovich, Poltavtsev, Sokolov, Muratov.
The choir performed the genial works of great composers — Stravinsky's "Wedding"; Rachmaninov's "Spring" cantatas; Prokofiev's "Alexander Nevsky"; Tchaikovsky's "Moscow"; Schnittke's "Requiem"; Castalsky's "Fraternal Commemoration"; Chesnokov's "In the Days of Battle"; Holy Week, the Mass "Festiva", Mass "Et in terra pax" by Grechaninov; "Gloria" by Poulenc.

The voice of the choir was heard at prestigious concert venues in Russia: in the Hall of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg and many others. The artists working assets include participation in choral concerts and concert productions of Russian and foreign operas in collaboration with the Yaroslavl Academic Governor's Symphony Orchestra and soloists of leading opera theaters in Russia.
Among the premieres are Puccini's "Tosca", Rossini's "The Barber of Seville", Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" and "The Queen of Spades", Borodin's "Prince Igor", Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh".

The choir has released two CDs of sacred music — in 1997 and 2001, fragments of recordings of which, as well as recordings from concert performances are offered in this section.

Fragments of audio files

Yaroslavl Philharmonic

"Otche nash"

"Nyne otpuschaeshi"

"Tebe poem"

Fragments of video files

Smolny Cathedral

"Svete tihii"

"Bogoroditse Devo"

"Vecheri Tvoeya"

News // Events

Germany, Russia, England

Among the most important creative achievements, of course, it is necessary to include choral concerts of the choir "GLAS", held at a major international music festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

It was a performance of one of the cult works of the twentieth century — the "War Requiem" by the outstanding English composer Benjamin Britten.

The choral concert, in addition to the "Voice", was attended by the Church Choir from Hanau (Germany), the Festival Choir of Exeter (England), the children's choir "Sokolyata" from Rybinsk, the Yaroslavl Academic Governor's Symphony Orchestra, chamber orchestras from Hanau, Exeter and Moscow, soloists from Russia, Germany and England.
The conductors are Dmitry Volosnikov (Russia), Christian Mause (Germany), Nigel Perrin (England).

The concerts took place in Germany, Russia and England, respectively, in March, May and June 2005.
The performance of the grandiose choral work had a wide public response in all three countries and became an important event in the cultural life of these states.

Official website of the 'GLAS' Chamber Choir
Official website of the 'GLAS' Chamber Choir
Official website of the 'GLAS' Chamber Choir

Germany, France

Since 1991, a strong creative friendship has linked the choir with the Church District Choir from the German city of Baunatal.

The result of joint creativity was the performance of many classical works of the choral repertoire.

Among them are Mozart's "Messa in C-Major" and the cantata "Venite populi", Vivaldi's "Gloria", Schubert's "Messa in G-Major", fragments from Handel's "Messiah", from Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elias", Haydn's oratorio "Creation of the World".

In addition to Bounatal and Kassel, the artists of the choir gave choral concerts in Hanau, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Dusseldorf, Krefeld, Cologne (in the famous Cologne Cathedral) and many other cities in Germany.

The geography of the choir's foreign concert routes included the cities of France — Paris, Lyon, Crapon, Strasbourg.

Choir 'GLAS'
Choir 'GLAS'
Choir 'GLAS'

Choral concerts of "GLAS" were always sold out.
Connoisseurs of choral art invariably noted vocal culture, harmony and consistency of ensemble sound, subtlety of nuance, richness of choral colors.
The basis of the choir's creative activity was the desire of the choral collective to study and promote Russian sacred music of the XV-XX centuries, the desire to convey to the listener the High Spirituality that permeates every sound, every word of these musical works — the richest layer of choral culture in Russia.